This little toy allows you to play sound files on machines around the local network. It uses port 99 as it's (server) receiver port. It has 8 commands. PLAY, DIR, STOP, RESET, UNLOAD, EVENTS, SAVEEVENTS All commands must end with CRLF (asc.13 + asc.10) 1:Example PLAY:scream (cr+lf) this will play the file called scream (.wav) or (.mp3) 2:Example DIR: This will return the hosts local sound list. 3:Example STOP: Ths will stop the current mp3 playback. 4:Example RESET: This will reset the remote comms. 5:Example UNLOAD: This will unload the program on the remote machine. 6:Example EVENTS: This will read the events file from the remote machine. 7:Example SAVEEVENTS:xx,xx,xx{|}xx,xx,xx{|} This will save the event string to the event file on the remote machine. 8:Example CLIP:Some text message CRLF = {|} This will display the message text on the screen of the remote machine. You can also control the application via telnet. telnet://localhost:99